
Muñoz Investment Banking Group provides a variety of financial services including.

Financial Advisory

As a Financial Advisor, Muñoz Group engages in capital planning, accounting, revenue forecasting, evaluation and resource allocation.

Capital Sourcing

We identify and secure private and public sources of financing.

Corporate Restructuring

We can increase shareholder value by developing and implementing the right “acquisition and disposition” strategy for your business.


We invest in infrastructure projects and in emerging technologies consistent with our Mission, especially as it impacts the Latino community.

Strategic Advisory

We have the experience, relationships and know-how to guide you through the difficulties of the emerging markets. We identify the right strategic alliance and joint venture partner for your expansion and growth, especially in the Hispanic community and emerging markets.

Business Valuation

We can provide valuation of businesses.

Contact Now

2111 Wilson Boulevard Suite 850 Arlington, VA 22201

 (703) 516-4110 |​